vi editor in linux

In vi editor we have below two modes.

1. Insert mode

2. Command mode

Insert Mode:

In this mode we can insert the required content for the file.

Command Mode:

In this mode we can do maximum operations like searching a word, copy, delete, paste, undo changes, etc…

Creating file using vi editor:

[root@server ~]# vi testfile

Once executed above command press  in keyboard to move insert mode. You will find –INSERT–  line bottom of the file once you moved to insert mode.

-- INSERT --

Type the content for this file.  Once provided the content press esc key in keyboard to go back to command mode and  use  :wq  to save and exit from the file

[root@server ~]# vi testfile
This is my test file


Find the below more options in vi editor which will be executed in command mode.

:q    Simple q will help us to exit from the file without saving file.

:u    undo operation

/     to search any word inside of this file

example:   /test

yy   to copy a line

<n>yy     to copy n number of lines eg: 5yy

dd    to delete a line

<n>dd   to delete n number of lines  eg: 10dd

p        to paste the copied lines. it will paste the copied lines next line of the                        cursor placed.

:set nu    to set line numbers inside the files.



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