Bash shell scripting online course

Bash shell scripting online course

Greetings from Linux Book Center!

We are happy to inform that, contacting Bash shell scripting online course at your convenient time by our experts who have realtime experience on scripting.

Nowadays all are going to be automated on Infrastructure. So, Bash shell scripting will help us to do automation on IT to reduce the time by doing manual work on daily operations or scheduled.

Course content:
Introduction to the Unix Operating System
  A brief history of Unix
  The Unix kernel
  The UNIX file system
  Getting started navigating the file system
  The file system structure, Directories and files
  Pathnames
  Exercise: Navigating the file system
  Exercise: Logging on to the system

Unix Basic Commands
  Command line syntax
  Basic Unix commands
  Basic file handling commands
  Directory handling commands
  Filename wildcard characters
  Exercise: Manipulating files and directories

Redirection and Pipes
  Input redirection
  Output redirection
  Pipes
  Exercise: Using redirection and pipe facilities

Introduction to The vi Editor
  Overview of the vi editor
  Basic functions
  Switching to input mode
  Other useful commands
  Exercises: Using the vi editor

Searching and Replacing Text
  Replacing text
  Using sed for search and replace
  Searching for text with grep
  Linking files
  Exercises: Searching and Replacing Text

Recalling and Editing Commands
  Overview
  The bash shell
  The korn shell
  Exercises: Recall and Edit Commands

File Permissions and Access Control
  Users and user groups
  File access permissions
  Changing file attributes
  Switching users and user groups
  Linking files
  Exercise: Setting and access permissions

  What is a process?
  Monitoring processes
  Killing processes
  Background processes
  Job Control
  Grouping commands
  Exercise: Monitoring and controlling processes

More Basic Commands
  The wc (word count) command
  The find command
  The cut command
  The sort command
  The finger command
  Exercise: Using file handling commands

The User Environment
  Customising the .profile or .bash_profile
  Customising the .kshrc or .bashrc
  Exercise: Setting up an environment

Getting Started
  What is a shell script?
  Development guidelines
  Creating and editing shell scripts
  Naming and storing shell scripts
  Executing shell scripts
  Exercise: Write a simple shell script

Using Variables
  Environment variables
  Local variables
  Assigning values to variables
  Assessing variable values
  Using quotes
  Delimiting variable names
  Echo control sequences
  Exercise: Add variables to a script

Integer Arithmetic
  Using the expr command
  Using the (( )) notation
  Exercise: Add integer arithmetic to a shell script

Handling Run Time Data
  The read command
  Command line arguments
  Exercise: Writing a generic shell script
  Exercise: Writing an interactive shell script

Condition Execution
  The if statement
  The test command
  Other test notations
  Default and substitute variables
  Exit status codes
  Exercise: Adding validation to previous scripts

Loop Constructs
  The while loop
  The until loop
  The for loop
  The while true and until false loops
  Loop control commands
  Exercise: Enhancing the previously written scripts
  Exercise: Writing a guess-the-number game

Multi-Branch Decisions
  The case statement
  Menu driven applications
  Exercise: Developing and writing a menu system

  What is a function?
  Syntax
  Examples
  Exercise: Add a function to a script

Interrupt Handling
  Interrupt signals
  Trapping interrupts
  Exercise: Adding traps to the menu script

Additional Features and Facilities
  The exec commands
  The includes notation
  More about loops
  Arrays
  Here Documents
  Exercise: Create a here script

Redirection, Pipes and Filters
  Standard I/O and redirection
  Pipes
  Command separation
  Conditional execution
  Grouping Commands
  UNIX filters
  The tee command

Backup and Restore Utilities
  Archive devices
  The cpio command
  The tar command
  The dd command

Background Job Scheduling
  Starting background jobs
  Background tasks and the nohup command
  Process priorities and the nice command
  Job control
  Scheduling jobs with the at command
  Scheduling jobs with the cron command

Regular Expression Notation
  Regular expressions
  Extended regular expressions

Searching Files for Patterns
  The grep family of commands
  The grep command
  The fgrep command
  The egrep command

The Stream Editor - sed
  Introduction and command line syntax
  The sed program structure
  sed program processing
  Use sed commands
  sed addresses
  sed instructions
  Hold and get functions
  Advanced flow control

Commands for Comparing Files
  Compare two files with the cmp command
  Compare two files with the comm command
  Compare two files with the diff and sdiff commands
  Compare large files with the bdiff command

File Manipulation Commands
  The file command
  The head command
  The tail command
  The cut command
  The paste command
  The pr command
  The split and csplit commands

Identify and Translate Characters
  od - octal dump
  Use cat to display non-printing characters
  The expand and unexpand commands
  The tr command

Sorting Files
  The sort command
  Specify sort keys with -k
  Sort by column positions
  The uniq command

Introduction to the Pattern Scanning Utility - awk
  Introduction and command line syntax
  The awk program structure
  Use regular expressions
  Operators
  Simple patterns
  Extended patterns
  Comments
  Special patterns (BEGIN and END)
  Program variables
  o Built-in variables
  o User defined variables
  Mathematical operators
  Enhanced printing
  Handling user variables

awk Program Control Structures
  Program control structures
  The if construct
  The while and do ... while constructs
  The basic for construct
  Associative array handling
  Functions

  o Built in functions
  o The system function
  o The getline function